Snow-dusted red fruits of highbush cranberries (Viburnum trilobum) in our yard inspired this print. The colors come from sequential printing of two separate solar plates.
Solar plate print; edition of 20.
The phrase 'images in paper' encompasses all of my artwork as shown in the prints and handmade paper on this website. The fragility of paper reflects, I believe, the ephemeral quality of nature while the sharp lines of intaglio prints reflect the strong patterns of the natural world that surrounds my New Hampshire home.
I am a juried member of the League of NH Craftsmen and the NH Art Association. A chemist for more than 40 years, I retired from the Wellesley College faculty in 2002 to pursue full-time studio work in print and papermaking. The results of some of my recent work are shown on this website. Enjoy!
Margaret Merritt
Center Sandwich, New Hampshire